Make note, today is a momentous day. It's March 5, 2015 and it's the day Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus announced they will eliminate elephants from their shows.
This is huge. Elephants have been part of Ringling Bros. since P.T. Barnum brought Jumbo, "a massive
12-foot African elephant," to America in 1882. If my math is correct, that means man has been abusing elephants and forcing them into unnatural circumstances and lifestyles for 136 years, after it's all said and done.
Feld Entertainment, the parent company for The Greatest Show on Earth, told the AP it would phase out elephants by 2018, citing animal welfare concerns. I'm delighted about this but wish they would act a little faster. The good news is that the herd of 43 elephants will retire to a 200-acre animal sanctuary in Florida. It's still not the wilds of Africa but it's better than what they have endured.
Some of my favorite quotes
The Humane
Society of the United States said: “This is a startling and tremendously exciting announcement. With consumers now so alert to animal welfare issues, no
business involved in any overt form of animal exploitation can survive
in the long run.”
ASPCA President and CEO Matt
Bershadker said: “This is a tremendous victory for the elephants ... as well as for
everyone who fought for this change. We continue to oppose using elephants
or any wild or exotic animals in circuses, carnivals and other traveling
animal shows."
A while back I designed this shirt and I'm happy to say it's been an excellent seller.
Today, in celebration of this announcement, I designed this shirt.
(Click on images for product details)
Remember this, we ARE making a difference for these animals! I'm happy for what we’ve done and excited for what’s to come.
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